Thursday, April 2, 2009

An Unforgettable Incident !!!

For all those of you who have been reading my would have realised by now that my life is really like a ‘Roller Coaster’ ...I go through things most of you would probably go through...errrr... once in every 10 years maybe ??!! :P or is that still too small of a ratio...hmmm...

Anyway...I got up today dreading the thought of me having to attend a really
boring lecture in the afternoon...I mean...common...who would want to learn about the English Legal System and Constitutions in the afternoon ??!! I know I wouldn’t...gosh...I sure hope my lecturer doesn’t read this...hehehe...bluek :p

And so, I got ready for class and attended the wasn’t really that bad actually...but then again...I was just glad the nightmare was over...and so I happily walked towards the station to head back home...little did I know...the real nightmare was just about to take place...

Somehow or rather... I managed to get into the 5 o’clock was soooo crowded....well actually it always is at that hour...with people rushing home after work and all...and so I was just standing when of the ladies sitting down at the next station and I managed to get a place to sit...I was really counting my lucky stars... [well...I guess I did that too soon :( ]

I was seated beside the window....and beside me was this Chinese her late 30’s I would say...I really wasn’t in a mood to have conversations today...and so I just sat quietly and enjoyed view... [I know...its not my nature to sit quietly...but I’m sure glad I will know why soon...]

As I was enjoying the evening...

All of a sudden...the Chinese lady beside me starts behaving really weirdly...she was soooo first she was just moving around...turning here and there...and then she starts messing up her hair and doing all kind of weird uncomfortable as I was with her behaving in such a manner...I just pretended like it wasn’t bothering me...just so that you should know...I was stuck between her and the there wasn’t really anything that I could do...

And then, all of a sudden...she does the most shocking thing...she starts shouting and cursing and the top off her voice in Chinese...this I can tell...because it was soooo obvious from her tone...she was just shouting and saying things...god knows what she was saying...she didn’t seem to give a damn about the fact that everyone on the whole deck was looking at her...

Honestly...I was soooo in disbelief and horrified...I really thought she was possessed or something...that was how she was reacting...REALLY!!! I think I should have performed an know say the Our Father and Bless that poor lady...but unfortunately I was so terrified I just froze like a block of ice...I wasn’t even moving my eyelids...I was even afraid to breath...I could literally hear my heart beat...that was how shaken up I was...

All those that were standing near her seat stepped back...and there I was...nowhere to run...I was stuck in between this possessed women and the window...of all people...I HAD TO BE THE ONE SITTING BESIDE HER !!!! :s

Just as I thought I was going to die of a heart attack...she stops...I almost could see the changes in minute she was screaming her lungs out and acting as if she was possessed and the next minute she was all calm...and she just sat there looking at everyone as if we were aliens or something...and when she turned and looked at me...I had to pretend as if nothing happened although I was shaking inside...I mean common...the last thing I would want to do is to trigger that craziness in her...there is NO WAY I can go through that again !!!

As I was recovering from that traumatic incident...this Chinese lady...ever so innocently...turned to me and asked me...

‘Kita dekat station mana aar ??!!’

I mean...I was soooo shocked that she was talking to me...and I was soooo afraid to answer her...the words were stuck in my throat...I couldn’t get those words out...I feel like a complete idiot now...but at that moment...really...I just went blank...

I was afraid that I might say something...and then she would get possessed AGAIN !!!! NOOOOO WAY !!! I’ve got a week heart you know !!! :P

THANK GOD...this Chinese man seated on the other side told her that we were going to reach Shah Alam...

The minute when she got down the train was when I felt like I got back my life...I have NEVER felt so relieved to be away from someone before...I sure hope I NEVER BUMP INTO THIS LADY EVER AGAIN!!! and I can tell you one thing for sure...even if I were to see this lady getting on the same train with me...I am MOST DEFINATELY going to get down and take the next train...that is the kind of impact she left on me...I’ll never forget her for the rest of my life !!!

I think now you would understand why I’m glad I didn’t have a conversation with her like I usually do with the people I meet in the train !!!! hehehe :P

And...I think I got to get the priest to bless me real soon...too many things like this are happening in my LIFE !!! gosh... :D

**Tim !!! now I know exactly what you meant when you told me about that incident...firsthand experience here...hehehe...bluek :P

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saved By My Indian Roots :P

It was a very lazy Monday was extremely hot and humid that day...not the kinda day one would intend to attend lectures...gosh...Whatever happened to the idea of having some cold lemonade and just chilling indoors ??!! a trip to the movies would be nice too...hehehe...bluek :P ok k...coming back to reality !!! I somehow managed to drag myself into my favourite jeans and a casual T...grabbed my shades and shoes...and I was off to the train station...

The KTM is my regular mode of transportation to college...although its an hour looooong journey...I actually enjoy it...if I don’t bump into a friend along the way...I’d just make a new one...OK!!! I’m not encouraging anyone to do that but its fun talking to random strangers...REALLY!!! I mean by the time I reach my destination...we would know almost EVERYTHING about one another...hehehe :) I’ve actually bumped into a fair number of strangers in this period of one year...

NOTE: my parents NEVER allowed me to use the public transportation till I was 20!!! Well...I guess its cause they knew I would be doing crazy things like talking to strangers...hehehe :p

Anyway...I must have just missed the train because the train station was one was in sight...NOT even the KTM staffs...I guess it was because it was lunch time for them...I could literally hear the sound of the wind...n I didn’t like was keep my mind off things I took out my earphones and enjoyed the company of my MP3 player... :p

After some time... this young his early 20’s I would say...was walking into the station...gosh...he was all TALL & HANDSOME...he REALLY was!!! I we a deserted station...and I had the company of this handsome young man...WHAT MORE COULD I ASK FOR??!! Hahaha :D

Without much hesitance...I took off my earphones and asked him where he was heading to...WHAT A COINSIDANCE!!! We were heading to the SAME DESTINATION!!! I thought it was more like DESTINY!!! :p we ended up travelling together that day...and I was soooo excited about the hour looooong journey ahead of us...hahaha

It was a very INTERESTING journey indeed...because it wasn’t long before we were talking about ourselves...our likes and etc, etc...Of we were talking I was actually thinking...gosh...u’r such a good looking young chap... :P the shades were a great cover up...and so it wasn’t too obvious that I was looking at him...hehehe [wink!!]

An hour really would seem like 10 minutes when you are having a good time...and the next thing I realised...we were only 5 minutes away from our destination...haizzz...

Just as I was enjoying our last moments of conversation...

I HAD THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE!!!! LIKE LITERALLY!!! you wouldn’t believe what caught my attention...I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT MYSELF !!! I WAS IN COMPLETE DISBELIEF!!! REALLY!!!


I eyes were WIDE OPEN when I saw him do that...once AGAIN !!! my shades were a great cover up :P

The only thing that I wanted to do at that moment was to GET OFF THE TRAIN before my face betrayed me...I have this ability of showing pretty good facial expressions you would know EXACTLY what I’m thinking about by my facial expression... :) and the last thing I wanted him to see was my DISGUSTED LOOK !!!

Gosh...just the thought of it now just makes me feel I HAVEN’T even told you the WORST PART!!

WE FINALLY REACHED OUR DESTINATION and we got out...I think I was practically running towards the exit... :p so anyway...we reached the gate and I was thinking to myself...ok...we’ll say bye and go our separate ways...but I guess I missed out one part...

Just as we passed the gate...he said BYE and then he held out HIS HAND for a HANDSHAKE!!!

The SAME HAND THAT HE USED TO PICK HIS NOSE!!! EEEEEEWWWW...I PANICKED!!! LIKE BIG TIME!!! I mean...I couldn’t just walk away because it would be soooo rude and at the same time THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS GOING TO SHAKE HIS HAND!!! NO WAY!!!

And then...I just did the only thing that came to my mind...I put my hands together and said bye the INDIAN WAY!!! Hahaha...god bless my ROOTS!!!:P

Before he could say anything...I said bye and left...hahaha...I'm sure he didn't see that comin...I know I didn't :p

As I'm writing about my experience...I’m thinking to myself...WHERE THE HELL DID I GET THAT FROM??!! times I amaze myself with such brilliant ideas :p
but then again...I have to Indian roots were of great help that day :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well its been awhile since I updated this page...guess I gota start writing again...hehehe
Anyway...if have something that I wana share with you guyz...this happened to me not long was last week to be exact :0)
I was having a class in the afternoon that day...and so I and my best friend were walking to college from the train station...its usually a boring walk but little did I know that it wasn’t going to be like any other day... :p
As we were walking...we passed by this elderly European couple (easily in their 60’s I would say)...I didn’t intend to eavesdrop but I just happen to hear their conversation...they were finding their way to the monorail which happens to be in the same row of my college...
Without much thinking...I just turned behind and asked them if they would like me to show them the way...since the lady was pointing at a completely different be honest...I have no idea why I actually did that ??!! It was just a strong instinct I guess...hehehe :p
So anyway...the man immediately agreed and we walked together...I have to say...He is a very friendly person...the lady on the other hand was rather the short period of time...I found out that they are from the north of England...they are here for a vacation and they have a daughter doing law as well in UK...and...Hmm....I think thats bout it...hehehe...and of course...I told him about myself...It was an interesting conversation... :) [But I forgot to get his name...I wonder how I missed that part out...hehehe :p ] but then again...maybe its cause I’m so used to talking to strangers in the train that I didn’t have problems talking to this guy... (Ok...lets leave that part aside...hehehe)
We finally reached this road that we’ll have to cross...unfortunately the traffic light wasn’t working that day and the inconsiderate drivers only made it difficult for the pedestrians...somehow, the four of us managed to cross the first road...but it was a little more difficult when it came to the second road...
We were actually stuck in the middle of two busy roads for quite some time until my best friend just took her chances and ran to the other side...lucky her...but the three of us were still stuck this side... :s looking at her I decided to cross as well...
This is when I had the shock of my LIFE!!!!
Given that situation...I would expect any guy to be a little more considerate....I mean...hear you are...In a foreign country...with your wife...and the road is crazy...what should the guy do??!! well there is nothing much that can be done...but the least that he could do would be to hold her hand and help her cross the road...thats like the most natural thing to do...little did I know...I was soooo wrong !!!
Instead of holding his wife’s hand this man held MY HAND and crossed the road leaving his poor wife at the other side...hahaha...I didn’t even realise it until I actually reached this side...I was speechless for the first time in MY the 3 of us were this side while his wife was still in the middle of two crazy roads...
This is ANOTHER shocking part...
Knowing that his wife didn’t cross the road...and its already bad that he didn’t help her....he could have gone back and helped her right??!! But NO...this man was just telling his wife to cross the road from this much for a GENTLEMAN!!! AND the best part of the whole scenario is...he DIDN’T EVEN REALISE THAT HIS WIFE IF STILL ON THE OTHER SIDE UNTILL I TOLD HIM!!!! :D
Gosh...anyway....FINALLY the lady managed to cross over with the help of her ever so ‘caring’ husband...I knew that this guy was gona be brushed left and right, up and down, in and out by his pissed off wife...hahaha...and so I left the scene ASAP !!! The two of them thanked me and headed to the monorail...he wouldn’t have had a wonderful journey after that for sure...hehehe [wink!!] :P
So anyway...I and my best friend headed to college that day laughing our heads out about the whole incident...
I guess this is what YEARS OF MARRIAGE DOES TO A PERSON :p !!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Lesson in Compassion !!!

Something’s are just beyond our my L!Fe...I mean do u think I actually want my LIFE to be a just happens...hehehe...which...makes it totally CRAZY and UNPREDICTABLE...I wake up every morning wondering what the day holds for me and I go to bed every night smiling as I recall my day...I just LOVE LIFE...hmm...
Well I think every person has his/her own story...For every face there is a unique life and experience...It doesn't matter what skin tone people have or what they eat...what matters is the lesson we get from their story...
This is where I share with you my story... :P
This is a funny story that happened to me not long ago... I hope that you enjoy it and even gets a laugh from it...Looking back, it is funny to picture, but it wasn't funny at the time...
It was like any other weekday...I got up early in the ready and attended college...after the 3 looooong hour lecture...I decided to head to the 7-Eleven nearby to get something to eat...
OK...before I continue telling you my story...I have to point out a few things...Firstly, there is a blind centre beside my it is very common to see many blind people walking around my college area...
Secondly, there are a number of roads around my college which don’t have traffic lights...this makes it really difficult for the blind especially to cross the roads...keeping in mind how inconsiderate certain drivers can be...mmm...
Now...continuing with my story...
As I was about to cross the road to 7-Eleven, I happened to see this old lady...and I felt really sorry for her because she found it so hard to cross the road...considering the fact that she was blind... (This was rather obvious since she had the blind man's stick with her)
So...being the kind-hearted person as I am (ahem... :p) I decided to offer her my help...and so I approached her and asked her if she would like me to help her out...of course...she said Yes !!!! and so, I held her hand and helped her cross the road...once we reached the other side...this nice old lady kept thanking me over and over felt really good helping someone in need... :0)
I was so proud of myself that I told myself that I’m definitely going to heaven if I continue doing what I just did :D now...I spoke toooo soon... :s
After getting a few things from 7-eleven, I was heading back to college...and just before I could cross the road to the other side...I saw this old blind man who was also having problems crossing the road... [this is when I thought...God!!! this must be my LUCKY DAY !!! :p little did I know...I was soooo wrong :( ]
Anyway...I approached this old man and asked him if I could help him out...unlike the old lady...this guy was like... ‘its OK...its OK...Never Mind!!’ hearing this from him...I assured him that its OK and I don’t mind cause I’ll have to cross the road myself...and he still kept saying that it was OK...
I was really so confused...but I couldn’t help leaving the poor blind man there helpless...I thought this guy must be soooo full of ego...that he doesn’t want to ask for help (as MOST men aar :p ) and so...I held his hand anyway...and helped him cross the we were crossing the road...he kept saying...its OK...its OK...and it was really beginning to annoy me...I mean...I’m already helping him...and he doesn’t seem to be appreciating it AT ALL... :s
As soon as we reached the other side of the road...I assumed this old man would thank my SHOCK... he just pulled his hand away from my grip and at the top of his voice said ‘HAIYAH !!!! I JUST ONLY SO HARD HARD CROSS THE ROAD !!!!’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing...did he just say that...HE JUST CROSSED THE ROAD ??!! OH MY GOD !!! You can only imagine how embarrassed I felt...I could hear small giggles from the pedestrians as I tried to cool down the furies old man...
Feeling so embarrassed about the WHOLE INCIDENT...I really felt like running away from that place and seeking refuge from the walls of my college...but then again...I couldn’t leave that poor man there after all I have done...
And so...I held his hands again and brought him to the other side and quickly left...I could actually hear him grumbling from the other side of the was soooo embarrassing...REALLY !!!
I actually hoped I’d NEVER see that old blind man again...but unfortunately I do...but this time...I ALWAYS make sure I’m miles away...hehehe :p
I hope that I have given you the gift of laughter today!
Go ahead and laugh at my expense because laughter is free and it's best when given away! :p

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It was a long 3 hour class today...and right after class I desperately needed to use the washroom...As I was walking towards the washroom...I recalled an incident that occurred about a month ago... :p
It was during the last Chinese New Year and my family decided to go on a holiday to Malacca...we are there during every holiday...Malacca is really my 2nd home...
Anyway...after spending about 3 days in Malacca we were on our way back on a Sunday...
Well...usually we would use the highway...and it would take us no longer than 3 hours to reach home...but decided to be a little more adventures that he suggested we use the coastal road instead...
Thinking that it would be a different experience...we jumped into the idea...little did we know about the disastrous journey ahead of us...haiz :s
Anyway...3 hours later we realised that we only made it half way through...gosh...the roads were windy...and we only passed by acres and acres of plantations...there wasn’t a single decent shop that we could can only imagine the kind of frustration and trauma I went through...mmm
FINALLY... we found an exit to the highway...what a relief... :D and of course...I asked Dad to stop at the first rest stop...thank god it wasn’t too far... soon as we reached the rest stop and my dad pulled over...I quickly came out of the car and walked straight to the washroom...
WHAT A RELIEF when I FINALLY managed to get into the washroom...unfortunately little did I know about the shock that I was going to encounter after that...
So this is what happened... (Take me as a lesson and DO NOT do what I did...)
Well...after using the I was coming out of the cubical... to my surprise...I saw this Chinese guy from the reflection of the mirror... [There was a row of mirrors right in front of the cubical...god knows why they need it there :p ] Anyway...I was completely I was just looking at his face as it turned red...he really looked like a tomato...SERIOUSLY!!!
I was so shocked that I was just numb for that spur many things were running in my’WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING IN THE LADIES??!!’ ‘WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW??!!’ ‘SHOULD I SCREEM FOR HELP??!! ‘
And then...all of a sudden it hit me when I noticed all the other pots... ‘OH MY GOD!!! I WAS IN THE WRONG PLACE!! ... A VERY WRONG PLACE!!! ‘ can only imagine the kind of embarrassment I went through... ( I don’t even want to imagine what that poor guy would have gone through...)
I literally ran out of the washroom...and went in the car...too embarrassed to talk about the whole incident...I just asked dad to drive home without making anymore stops...gosh....
Talking about embarrassing moments...I just happen to have too many of those...anyway...from that day matter what...I would DEFINATELY double check the signs before going in...(i would advise u guyz to da the same thing... :D ) Oh !!! and I’m keeping my fingers crossed so that I’ll NEVER EVER bump into that Chinese guy EVER AGAIN!!!!
**To the Chinese guy in the washroom the other day...if you ever read this...I want you to know that I am truly sorry...and don’t worry...I didn’t see anything I shouldn’t have... :p

Dreams On Fire

At the centre of the drama, of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is a love story, and the love theme is haunting...The love story spans a couple of decades and is a beautiful reflection of the loyalty and selfless dedication of one young man who despite the odds, does not give up searching for his beloved...
The song ‘Dreams On Fire’ has truly been haunting me for the past few was a Déjà Vu really :p I downloaded both the instrumental and sung versions and listened to the lyrics several times as I went out on an early evening walk...As sunlight faded into the darkness of night, I experienced these lyrics not simply as another love song - but imagined these words as coming from a deep and sacred place within a soul joyously singing to the Beloved of the Heart...Maybe I was meant to see this movie so that I could hear this song...

You Are My Waking Dream,
You’re All Thats Real To Me
You Are The Magic In The World I See
You Are In The Prayer I Saying,
You Are In My Two My Names

You Are the Faith That Make Me Believe
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher
Passions Burning, Ride On The Path, Once For Forever Yours
In Me, All Your Heart,
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher

You Are My Ocean Rage,
You Are My Thought Each Day
You Are The Laughter From Childhood Games
You Are Things Further Down,
You Are Where I Belong

You Are Make Me Feel In Every Songs
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher, Passions Burning
Ride On The Path, Once For Forever Yours,
In Me All Your Heart,
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher

These were thoughts I had as I watched the sun give up its spirit into the coming darkness and I imagined myself singing this song to the Immortal Beloved... :)
** Congrats to AR Rehman for the Golden Globe...Keep rocking :o)

Monday, February 23, 2009


I FINALLY watched the much talked about movie...SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE!! :D
I have to is an awesome movie...a MUST watch!!! Its a movie each and every one of us should actually teaches one alot about reminds us that L!FE isn’t always kind to us...
The India-set love story SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is not all about the usual predictable love story...
The movie is basically about the life of Jamal Malik (Dev Patel), the cute protagonist [wink!!] hehehe...a Muslim boy born and raised in the slums of Mumbai...
Fate is the main idea playing out in the film...When the film opens, we are given a question, typical of one found on the popular game show:
Jamal Malik is one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it?

A. He cheated
B. He’s lucky
C. He’s a genius
D. It is written

The acting, from top to bottom is spectacular...There are three different people playing Jamal, Salim and Latika throughout the movie and all are great... All three young actors who play Jamal are at the top of their game, which is astonishing since the oldest (Dev Patel) is only eighteen... Freida Pinto, who plays the elder version of Latika is radiant and a beauty to behold... There is a sadness in her eyes that makes Latika such a wonderful character... Perennial Bollywood star Anil Kapoor gives the game show host just the right amount of slimy seediness... Finally, Irrfan Khan plays the police inspector as someone you realize you can trust, not the stereotypical police thug he could have been passed off as... It is another case where the characters that are most interesting, from the police inspector to the kids all the way to the game show host, are not good or bad guys... They are all individuals tinted in shades of gray... The movie ends with a giant Bollywood styled dance number that allows the audience to leave the theater with a smile on their faces... :0) By this time, Slumdog Millionaire has accomplished something rare in Hollywood today... It takes a culture in India and shows us the lowest of lows in the slums of Mumbai to the highest of highs at the Taj Mahal but never loses focus... The film scans the gamut of almost eleven years, but never seems to be taking in too much... Much of the plot rests in the hands of children, but all are up to the challenge and none disappoint... The film tethers near the melodramatic but never steps over the line... The script is a story of a young man’s life and the film breaks its pace at points as it jumps through time, but it never bores and rarely seems to drag on... I think Slumdog Millionaire is one of the best films you will see from 2008, and with the awards recognition it is beginning to get a wider release... You would do yourself a favor by setting out to find this film. Only the hardest of hearts will leave disappointed...
This movie is definitely a movie I’ll be watching again...hehehe... :p

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I woke up this morning...feeling pretty excited about what the day had in store for my friends days can be pretty crazy and unpredictable...[wink!!] :p
Anyway...with a very heavy heart [and eyes]...hehehe... I got up and got ready for mass at 8...little did I know...I was going to have the shock of my life...
Well...I went for mass...still a little groggy and it was frustrating...because surprisingly there were many people and there wasn’t a place to sit...
As I was about to get a seat outside church [which I doesn’t feel like I’m attending mass if I’m seated outside] this old couple called me in as there was a place beside them...
I would see this old couple every Sunday morning...although they are in their 60’s I would say...they make it a point to attend mass every Sunday morning...rain or shine...they deserve a two thumbs up!!!
Mass went on as usual...the priest’s sermon was long and boring as usual...everyone was drifting away...thinking what they were going to have for breakfast [hehehe...oops...]
all of a sudden...The old man that was seated beside had an epileptic fits...his body was straight and his mussels were pulling...I had the shock of my life...I have never been so near someone who had a sudden attack like this...
The worst part was...the old man’s false teeth fell off...and it landed just beside can only imagine how I felt...omg...I was just looking at the false teeth and at the teeth and at him...I couldn't help myself...I was just heart was pounding so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack :s it really felt like his false teeth was smiling at me...seriously !!! Thats how I was like a few centimetres away from me...I think I would have fainted if it had landed on my lap or something...
Anyhow...thanks to the warden who was there...they managed to cool him down...and his wife was beside him his tablets...
The shocking part of the whole scenario was...the minute this old man came out of his condition...instead of asking for water or for his tablets or to ask to be taken out for some fresh air [which I assume any normal person would if they just had an epileptic fits] ...this old man quickly asked his wife to hand him his false teeth...I its so important !!!
He quickly put on his false teeth and it was only after that did he take his tablets and a drink...
In that shock...I didn’t know if I should be feeling sorry for him or if I should be laughing...hahaha...I was just completely shocked...hahaha...gosh...people...
Anyway...from the whole experience today morn...I concluded that I would make a terrible doctor...hehehe... :p luckily I chose a completely different profession...I think I’ll be saving more lives if I am outside the hospital grounds...hehehe...bluek :p I told u days are completely unpredictable :o) mmm...I wonder what the rest of my day has in store for me...