Thursday, April 2, 2009

An Unforgettable Incident !!!

For all those of you who have been reading my would have realised by now that my life is really like a ‘Roller Coaster’ ...I go through things most of you would probably go through...errrr... once in every 10 years maybe ??!! :P or is that still too small of a ratio...hmmm...

Anyway...I got up today dreading the thought of me having to attend a really
boring lecture in the afternoon...I mean...common...who would want to learn about the English Legal System and Constitutions in the afternoon ??!! I know I wouldn’t...gosh...I sure hope my lecturer doesn’t read this...hehehe...bluek :p

And so, I got ready for class and attended the wasn’t really that bad actually...but then again...I was just glad the nightmare was over...and so I happily walked towards the station to head back home...little did I know...the real nightmare was just about to take place...

Somehow or rather... I managed to get into the 5 o’clock was soooo crowded....well actually it always is at that hour...with people rushing home after work and all...and so I was just standing when of the ladies sitting down at the next station and I managed to get a place to sit...I was really counting my lucky stars... [well...I guess I did that too soon :( ]

I was seated beside the window....and beside me was this Chinese her late 30’s I would say...I really wasn’t in a mood to have conversations today...and so I just sat quietly and enjoyed view... [I know...its not my nature to sit quietly...but I’m sure glad I will know why soon...]

As I was enjoying the evening...

All of a sudden...the Chinese lady beside me starts behaving really weirdly...she was soooo first she was just moving around...turning here and there...and then she starts messing up her hair and doing all kind of weird uncomfortable as I was with her behaving in such a manner...I just pretended like it wasn’t bothering me...just so that you should know...I was stuck between her and the there wasn’t really anything that I could do...

And then, all of a sudden...she does the most shocking thing...she starts shouting and cursing and the top off her voice in Chinese...this I can tell...because it was soooo obvious from her tone...she was just shouting and saying things...god knows what she was saying...she didn’t seem to give a damn about the fact that everyone on the whole deck was looking at her...

Honestly...I was soooo in disbelief and horrified...I really thought she was possessed or something...that was how she was reacting...REALLY!!! I think I should have performed an know say the Our Father and Bless that poor lady...but unfortunately I was so terrified I just froze like a block of ice...I wasn’t even moving my eyelids...I was even afraid to breath...I could literally hear my heart beat...that was how shaken up I was...

All those that were standing near her seat stepped back...and there I was...nowhere to run...I was stuck in between this possessed women and the window...of all people...I HAD TO BE THE ONE SITTING BESIDE HER !!!! :s

Just as I thought I was going to die of a heart attack...she stops...I almost could see the changes in minute she was screaming her lungs out and acting as if she was possessed and the next minute she was all calm...and she just sat there looking at everyone as if we were aliens or something...and when she turned and looked at me...I had to pretend as if nothing happened although I was shaking inside...I mean common...the last thing I would want to do is to trigger that craziness in her...there is NO WAY I can go through that again !!!

As I was recovering from that traumatic incident...this Chinese lady...ever so innocently...turned to me and asked me...

‘Kita dekat station mana aar ??!!’

I mean...I was soooo shocked that she was talking to me...and I was soooo afraid to answer her...the words were stuck in my throat...I couldn’t get those words out...I feel like a complete idiot now...but at that moment...really...I just went blank...

I was afraid that I might say something...and then she would get possessed AGAIN !!!! NOOOOO WAY !!! I’ve got a week heart you know !!! :P

THANK GOD...this Chinese man seated on the other side told her that we were going to reach Shah Alam...

The minute when she got down the train was when I felt like I got back my life...I have NEVER felt so relieved to be away from someone before...I sure hope I NEVER BUMP INTO THIS LADY EVER AGAIN!!! and I can tell you one thing for sure...even if I were to see this lady getting on the same train with me...I am MOST DEFINATELY going to get down and take the next train...that is the kind of impact she left on me...I’ll never forget her for the rest of my life !!!

I think now you would understand why I’m glad I didn’t have a conversation with her like I usually do with the people I meet in the train !!!! hehehe :P

And...I think I got to get the priest to bless me real soon...too many things like this are happening in my LIFE !!! gosh... :D

**Tim !!! now I know exactly what you meant when you told me about that incident...firsthand experience here...hehehe...bluek :P


  1. u noe wat? da lady shud hv turned aroun and pulled ur hair or bashed u up...tht wud hv been more exciting and interesting to share :P


  2. yea yea...if u were sitting beside her then mayb she would have done dat la... :P

  3. hahahaha...edel glad u din start ur usual conversation wit her! =P (gg)

  4. any1 who saw wat she did wud hav done the same thing...

