Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another unforgettable memory in the train...

Hey guys...I know that it has been awhile since I wrote...but no worries...I’M BACK !!! :D
As you guys would have blog is mostly about my daily life in my crazy, unpredictable is my next blog :P
This incident took place a few days ago...
It was the first day of college after a two week break for Christmas & New Year...
As usual...I travelled to college with the only mode of transportation that I know of...the KTM !!!
The train was rather crowded that day...and it was terrible because I didn’t have a place to sit...just the thought of having to stand for an hour was torturous...
As I was trying to make the best of the journey by listening to my MP3...this really cute guy came into the same compartment that I was in at the very next station...I thought to myself... ‘ really do know how to make my day !!! :D ‘...Somehow...I found this guy to be rather attractive...I couldn’t tell what or why exactly...but there was definitely something about him that made me want to talk to him...
And so, without giving much thought to it...I approached him...and we started talking about all the general stuffs like where we were heading to and what we were doing...
Although the conversation was going on smoothly, I realised that throughout our conversation...he hardly looked at me...he would be looking somewhere else while talking to first I thought he had some problem with his eyes or something...and then I realised...that he just wasn’t concentrating on our conversation...something or someone behind me seemed to have caught his attention...
Feeling rather uneasy about it at first...I turned behind to look around...maybe there was someone he knew or maybe there was this really attractive lady standing somewhere behind me...but every time I turned one really caught my eyes...and so, I ignored his unusual behaviour and continued talking to him...I know...I never learn my lesson...As I was telling my friend about this incident, I realised what an idiot I was...I mean clearly there was something wrong with this guy...and instead of cutting off our conversation ( which I think any normal person would do ) I continued talking to him...God knows why...because I cannot come up with a logical explanation for my actions... :o)
After awhile...I realised that I had enough of it...I mean ‘WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM...WHY ON EARTH IS HE LOOKING SOMEWHERE ELSE WHEN HE IS HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH ME...???’ all these questions were running through my head...And the curiosity to find out ‘why he was behaving so unusually??!!’ was killing me...
And so, I took a step back ( just in case he started going amok or something) and I asked him ( I was a little shaky at that point of time because I didn’t know what he was going to say :S )
‘Is there someone you know behind me??!! If there is...I really would not mind if you want to go over and talk to that person instead...because I notice that you are looking somewhere else throughout our conversation...’
His reaction was very different from what I expected...He actually started blushing...Like for real !!! His ears and cheeks were getting a little pinkish...and he had this really shy smile on his face...this was when I realised that taking a step back from this guy was probably the smartest thing I did all day... :P
After awhile...he very hesitantly told me...
‘Oh...I’m sorry but I could not stop noticing that guy behind you in the blue shirt...Dont you think he is cute??!! ‘ My mouth almost fell...I could not believe what he told me and I just froze ( like literally ) I didn’t know what to do or say...or how I should react to his question...did he expect me to react by saying, ‘oh...hell yeah...hez soooo cute...u should soooo go for it babe !!!’ :P hahahaha...
Anyways...he did not stop there...he then asked me if he should go over and talk to him...
Still in the shock...I just nodded my head and smiled back (you have nooooo idea how difficult that was) he did not waste another minute...he immediately walked over to that guy and started talking to him ( it felt like he didn’t want to waste anymore time talking to my and he dashed off the moment I nodded my head...ishhhhhh...what an insult!!! :S )
Just as I was recovering from my shock...they ( the guy I was talking to and the ‘guy in the blue shirt’) walked towards the door (which was where I happened to be standing) as they were going to get down at the Subang Station...they seemed like they were getting along pretty well :)
And just before the guy that I was talking to got down from the train... ( you wouldn’t believe what he did)
That was all it took to send me back to my state of shock...I did not recover until I reached my station :P
Hahahaha...In a nutshell...I got dumped for another guy !!! :P (bet this only happens to one in a million people out there eh...or is it still too small of a ratio :D hehehe)
As insulting and embarrassing as it was...this experience really thought me never to judge a person so soon...and the next time I get a hunch that something is wrong...hopefully I’ll stop talking to that person :P
Sure hope you guys had a good time reading my blog :) and maybe learned a thing or two...hehehe :P
And to the guy in the train...
If you ever read this...I want you to know that...I’m only glad that you got lucky that day...hehehe :P
* Carry laughter with you wherever you go as it is a tranquilizer with no side effects :P

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