Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Mirror Image Of Myself As A Child :P

After having a loooooong day in college....I decided to grab a cup of hot drink before heading back home...and so, feeling rather drained out because of the 5 hours long lecture...I was practically dragging myself to the cafe...just I thought the pain of walking was over ( although it was only a 5 minute walk...at that time I felt like I had done 12 laps or something...hehehe :P ), I noticed that there was a veryyyy long queue at the counter and I decided to turn back...there was NO way I was going to queue up for half an hour just for a drink...but something stopped me and I changed my mind...

As I was queuing up...this young man caught my attention...he was so very very cute...big blue eyes, chubby pinkish cheeks...haixzzzz...if only he was a little older... we would b a PERFECT match ( you will know exactly why soon) :P

Alright...HE WAS 3 YEARS OLD !!!! :D hahahaha...

As I was admiring how cute he looks as he was busy eating his muffin, with chocolate all over his face :) he suddenly turned to my direction...feeling rather excited I waved and winked at him ;) of course expecting the natural respond that any other kid his age would do...just stand there feeling rather stund... :P But you wouldn’t believe what happened...

He ever so cute and innocently waved and WINKED back at me !!! hahahaha :D

I was soooo shocked... because I really did not see that coming or expect that kind of respond from him...hahahaha... :D

And I thought I was being cheeky !!! :P I can only imagine what he would be doing when he gets a little older...hehehe *winks!!

It got me thinking though... if I would did something like that when I was a child...hmmmmm...the possibilities are there though...hahahaha :P

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