Sunday, February 22, 2009


I woke up this morning...feeling pretty excited about what the day had in store for my friends days can be pretty crazy and unpredictable...[wink!!] :p
Anyway...with a very heavy heart [and eyes]...hehehe... I got up and got ready for mass at 8...little did I know...I was going to have the shock of my life...
Well...I went for mass...still a little groggy and it was frustrating...because surprisingly there were many people and there wasn’t a place to sit...
As I was about to get a seat outside church [which I doesn’t feel like I’m attending mass if I’m seated outside] this old couple called me in as there was a place beside them...
I would see this old couple every Sunday morning...although they are in their 60’s I would say...they make it a point to attend mass every Sunday morning...rain or shine...they deserve a two thumbs up!!!
Mass went on as usual...the priest’s sermon was long and boring as usual...everyone was drifting away...thinking what they were going to have for breakfast [hehehe...oops...]
all of a sudden...The old man that was seated beside had an epileptic fits...his body was straight and his mussels were pulling...I had the shock of my life...I have never been so near someone who had a sudden attack like this...
The worst part was...the old man’s false teeth fell off...and it landed just beside can only imagine how I felt...omg...I was just looking at the false teeth and at the teeth and at him...I couldn't help myself...I was just heart was pounding so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack :s it really felt like his false teeth was smiling at me...seriously !!! Thats how I was like a few centimetres away from me...I think I would have fainted if it had landed on my lap or something...
Anyhow...thanks to the warden who was there...they managed to cool him down...and his wife was beside him his tablets...
The shocking part of the whole scenario was...the minute this old man came out of his condition...instead of asking for water or for his tablets or to ask to be taken out for some fresh air [which I assume any normal person would if they just had an epileptic fits] ...this old man quickly asked his wife to hand him his false teeth...I its so important !!!
He quickly put on his false teeth and it was only after that did he take his tablets and a drink...
In that shock...I didn’t know if I should be feeling sorry for him or if I should be laughing...hahaha...I was just completely shocked...hahaha...gosh...people...
Anyway...from the whole experience today morn...I concluded that I would make a terrible doctor...hehehe... :p luckily I chose a completely different profession...I think I’ll be saving more lives if I am outside the hospital grounds...hehehe...bluek :p I told u days are completely unpredictable :o) mmm...I wonder what the rest of my day has in store for me...


  1. Things like this can ONLY HAPPEN TO YOU!!!!
    He probably turned, saw you, said OH MY GAWDDDD!!!!!!!!! (FITS)

  2. Guess what...i actually bumped in2 the old couple during mass today :P hehehe...and they actually offered a place beside them AGAIN...NO THANK YOU !!! hahaha...i dont wana experience another trauma... :D


  4. hey Edel... I think i need to agree with Tim :P
