Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dreams On Fire

At the centre of the drama, of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is a love story, and the love theme is haunting...The love story spans a couple of decades and is a beautiful reflection of the loyalty and selfless dedication of one young man who despite the odds, does not give up searching for his beloved...
The song ‘Dreams On Fire’ has truly been haunting me for the past few days...it was a Déjà Vu really :p I downloaded both the instrumental and sung versions and listened to the lyrics several times as I went out on an early evening walk...As sunlight faded into the darkness of night, I experienced these lyrics not simply as another love song - but imagined these words as coming from a deep and sacred place within a soul joyously singing to the Beloved of the Heart...Maybe I was meant to see this movie so that I could hear this song...

You Are My Waking Dream,
You’re All Thats Real To Me
You Are The Magic In The World I See
You Are In The Prayer I Saying,
You Are In My Two My Names

You Are the Faith That Make Me Believe
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher
Passions Burning, Ride On The Path, Once For Forever Yours
In Me, All Your Heart,
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher

You Are My Ocean Rage,
You Are My Thought Each Day
You Are The Laughter From Childhood Games
You Are Things Further Down,
You Are Where I Belong

You Are Make Me Feel In Every Songs
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher, Passions Burning
Ride On The Path, Once For Forever Yours,
In Me All Your Heart,
Dreams On Fire, Higher N Higher

These were thoughts I had as I watched the sun give up its spirit into the coming darkness and I imagined myself singing this song to the Immortal Beloved... :)
** Congrats to AR Rehman for the Golden Globe...Keep rocking :o)

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