Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Lesson in Compassion !!!

Something’s are just beyond our my L!Fe...I mean do u think I actually want my LIFE to be a just happens...hehehe...which...makes it totally CRAZY and UNPREDICTABLE...I wake up every morning wondering what the day holds for me and I go to bed every night smiling as I recall my day...I just LOVE LIFE...hmm...
Well I think every person has his/her own story...For every face there is a unique life and experience...It doesn't matter what skin tone people have or what they eat...what matters is the lesson we get from their story...
This is where I share with you my story... :P
This is a funny story that happened to me not long ago... I hope that you enjoy it and even gets a laugh from it...Looking back, it is funny to picture, but it wasn't funny at the time...
It was like any other weekday...I got up early in the ready and attended college...after the 3 looooong hour lecture...I decided to head to the 7-Eleven nearby to get something to eat...
OK...before I continue telling you my story...I have to point out a few things...Firstly, there is a blind centre beside my it is very common to see many blind people walking around my college area...
Secondly, there are a number of roads around my college which don’t have traffic lights...this makes it really difficult for the blind especially to cross the roads...keeping in mind how inconsiderate certain drivers can be...mmm...
Now...continuing with my story...
As I was about to cross the road to 7-Eleven, I happened to see this old lady...and I felt really sorry for her because she found it so hard to cross the road...considering the fact that she was blind... (This was rather obvious since she had the blind man's stick with her)
So...being the kind-hearted person as I am (ahem... :p) I decided to offer her my help...and so I approached her and asked her if she would like me to help her out...of course...she said Yes !!!! and so, I held her hand and helped her cross the road...once we reached the other side...this nice old lady kept thanking me over and over felt really good helping someone in need... :0)
I was so proud of myself that I told myself that I’m definitely going to heaven if I continue doing what I just did :D now...I spoke toooo soon... :s
After getting a few things from 7-eleven, I was heading back to college...and just before I could cross the road to the other side...I saw this old blind man who was also having problems crossing the road... [this is when I thought...God!!! this must be my LUCKY DAY !!! :p little did I know...I was soooo wrong :( ]
Anyway...I approached this old man and asked him if I could help him out...unlike the old lady...this guy was like... ‘its OK...its OK...Never Mind!!’ hearing this from him...I assured him that its OK and I don’t mind cause I’ll have to cross the road myself...and he still kept saying that it was OK...
I was really so confused...but I couldn’t help leaving the poor blind man there helpless...I thought this guy must be soooo full of ego...that he doesn’t want to ask for help (as MOST men aar :p ) and so...I held his hand anyway...and helped him cross the we were crossing the road...he kept saying...its OK...its OK...and it was really beginning to annoy me...I mean...I’m already helping him...and he doesn’t seem to be appreciating it AT ALL... :s
As soon as we reached the other side of the road...I assumed this old man would thank my SHOCK... he just pulled his hand away from my grip and at the top of his voice said ‘HAIYAH !!!! I JUST ONLY SO HARD HARD CROSS THE ROAD !!!!’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing...did he just say that...HE JUST CROSSED THE ROAD ??!! OH MY GOD !!! You can only imagine how embarrassed I felt...I could hear small giggles from the pedestrians as I tried to cool down the furies old man...
Feeling so embarrassed about the WHOLE INCIDENT...I really felt like running away from that place and seeking refuge from the walls of my college...but then again...I couldn’t leave that poor man there after all I have done...
And so...I held his hands again and brought him to the other side and quickly left...I could actually hear him grumbling from the other side of the was soooo embarrassing...REALLY !!!
I actually hoped I’d NEVER see that old blind man again...but unfortunately I do...but this time...I ALWAYS make sure I’m miles away...hehehe :p
I hope that I have given you the gift of laughter today!
Go ahead and laugh at my expense because laughter is free and it's best when given away! :p


  1. i like this wan edel...
    poor blind man hehehe...
    hehehehe it reli makes meto laugh out loud!!


    omg.. this brings me back to Macs four of us laughing our asses off!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha

    classic la this one.. just classic la..
