Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It was a long 3 hour class today...and right after class I desperately needed to use the washroom...As I was walking towards the washroom...I recalled an incident that occurred about a month ago... :p
It was during the last Chinese New Year holidays...me and my family decided to go on a holiday to Malacca...we are there during every holiday...Malacca is really my 2nd home...
Anyway...after spending about 3 days in Malacca we were on our way back on a Sunday...
Well...usually we would use the highway...and it would take us no longer than 3 hours to reach home...but surprisingly...dad decided to be a little more adventures that day...so he suggested we use the coastal road instead...
Thinking that it would be a different experience...we jumped into the idea...little did we know about the disastrous journey ahead of us...haiz :s
Anyway...3 hours later we realised that we only made it half way through...gosh...the roads were windy...and we only passed by acres and acres of plantations...there wasn’t a single decent shop that we could stop...you can only imagine the kind of frustration and trauma I went through...mmm
FINALLY... we found an exit to the highway...what a relief... :D and of course...I asked Dad to stop at the first rest stop...thank god it wasn’t too far...
Anyhow...as soon as we reached the rest stop and my dad pulled over...I quickly came out of the car and walked straight to the washroom...
WHAT A RELIEF when I FINALLY managed to get into the washroom...unfortunately little did I know about the shock that I was going to encounter after that...
So this is what happened... (Take me as a lesson and DO NOT do what I did...)
Well...after using the washroom...as I was coming out of the cubical... to my surprise...I saw this Chinese guy from the reflection of the mirror... [There was a row of mirrors right in front of the cubical...god knows why they need it there :p ] Anyway...I was completely shocked...so I was just looking at his face as it turned red...he really looked like a tomato...SERIOUSLY!!!
I was so shocked that I was just numb for that spur moment...so many things were running in my head...like...’WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING IN THE LADIES??!!’ ‘WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW??!!’ ‘SHOULD I SCREEM FOR HELP??!! ‘
And then...all of a sudden it hit me when I noticed all the other pots... ‘OH MY GOD!!! I WAS IN THE WRONG PLACE!! ... A VERY WRONG PLACE!!! ‘...you can only imagine the kind of embarrassment I went through... ( I don’t even want to imagine what that poor guy would have gone through...)
I literally ran out of the washroom...and went in the car...too embarrassed to talk about the whole incident...I just asked dad to drive home without making anymore stops...gosh....
Talking about embarrassing moments...I just happen to have too many of those...anyway...from that day onwards...no matter what...I would DEFINATELY double check the signs before going in...(i would advise u guyz to da the same thing... :D ) Oh !!! and I’m keeping my fingers crossed so that I’ll NEVER EVER bump into that Chinese guy EVER AGAIN!!!!
**To the Chinese guy in the washroom the other day...if you ever read this...I want you to know that I am truly sorry...and don’t worry...I didn’t see anything I shouldn’t have... :p



    oh my god!!! why la why.. only you can get into this kinda shit man.. u ah...


  2. What cn I do ??!! it just happenz la wei...its not like I'm asking 4 these kinda moments rite :p

  3. u sure u didn't go there on purpose :P

  4. hahaha...NO Pravin...it ws a honest mistake...REALLY !!! but really...y do u guyz need a mirror infront...hmmm...gt me thinking !!! hehehe :p
