Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear Time....

Dear Time,
You bring me beautiful memories and bitter lessons;

Dear Time,
You bring me smiles and laughter, sorrow and tears;

Dear Time,
You've thought me that nothing is ever certain, neither is it permanent;
Cause in the end, everything belongs to you... And you decide the beginning and ending of the chapter;

Dear Time,
Thank you for being a wonderful gift;
Sometimes, I am not as grateful as I should be,
Sometimes I take you for granted, But you always give me time to realise that you never stop and it is pointless to sit and be unhappy, angry or upset,
Because I should be going out there and making the most out of Life.

Dear Time,
I know I'm running out of time cause one day my journey will come to an end too,
But Dear Time,
When that time comes, I hope I bring beautiful memories to those around me.

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