Friday, September 27, 2013

Food for thought

These days I frequently see posts on social networks which say,
"Money can't buy you happiness... But I would rather cry in a BMW than on a bicycle."
I don't think that is what it means... The question really should be, would you rather cry alone in a BMW or have someone hold you tight from the back of a bicycle and tell you that everything is going to be alright?
In this era where everyone is striving to be on top of the game... To be the best at work... To hold the highest position at the firm... To take the biggest pay cheque home... To own the most sophisticated gadgets... Biggest house... The list goes on... Sadly, we neglect more important things in life... Things no amount of money in this world can buy...
What is important to me may not be important to you... And the other way round...
But I think we should always take a step back and ask ourselves,
"why am I working so hard?", "what matters to me?", "who matters?"
Think about it :)

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