Saturday, November 23, 2013

Voices of the Poor

A few days ago I was in a little island in the Philippines called, Boracay. As I drove on my motor-tricycles along the main road, I passed by lavish looking hotels, golf courses, a glittering shopping area full of the clothes, food and jewellery. However, ten metres from the shopping area, I saw homes where the locals stay. Most of the homes there are shanty structures that are a little more than a dirty wooden box balanced precariously on the side walk with no electricity and only a little candle to light their homes. People surge through bins for fresh treasures. Children picking empty plastic bottles, scraps of metal or paper - all of which can be recycled by the sackful for a few cents. A day before we left the island, we decided to get cakes, candy and cookies for the poor children staying right behind our hotel. We did not spend a fortune on the food, but the look on the faces of the children was priceless. We sometimes are so consumed by our own needs and problems that we fail to realize that someone out there is fighting a bigger battle. Each and every one of us can make a difference. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop While writing this blog, the song 'Heal the World' was playing in my head. So I thought I'll share it with you along with a few pictures taken during my short stay in the Philippines :)

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