Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saved By My Indian Roots :P

It was a very lazy Monday was extremely hot and humid that day...not the kinda day one would intend to attend lectures...gosh...Whatever happened to the idea of having some cold lemonade and just chilling indoors ??!! a trip to the movies would be nice too...hehehe...bluek :P ok k...coming back to reality !!! I somehow managed to drag myself into my favourite jeans and a casual T...grabbed my shades and shoes...and I was off to the train station...

The KTM is my regular mode of transportation to college...although its an hour looooong journey...I actually enjoy it...if I don’t bump into a friend along the way...I’d just make a new one...OK!!! I’m not encouraging anyone to do that but its fun talking to random strangers...REALLY!!! I mean by the time I reach my destination...we would know almost EVERYTHING about one another...hehehe :) I’ve actually bumped into a fair number of strangers in this period of one year...

NOTE: my parents NEVER allowed me to use the public transportation till I was 20!!! Well...I guess its cause they knew I would be doing crazy things like talking to strangers...hehehe :p

Anyway...I must have just missed the train because the train station was one was in sight...NOT even the KTM staffs...I guess it was because it was lunch time for them...I could literally hear the sound of the wind...n I didn’t like was keep my mind off things I took out my earphones and enjoyed the company of my MP3 player... :p

After some time... this young his early 20’s I would say...was walking into the station...gosh...he was all TALL & HANDSOME...he REALLY was!!! I we a deserted station...and I had the company of this handsome young man...WHAT MORE COULD I ASK FOR??!! Hahaha :D

Without much hesitance...I took off my earphones and asked him where he was heading to...WHAT A COINSIDANCE!!! We were heading to the SAME DESTINATION!!! I thought it was more like DESTINY!!! :p we ended up travelling together that day...and I was soooo excited about the hour looooong journey ahead of us...hahaha

It was a very INTERESTING journey indeed...because it wasn’t long before we were talking about ourselves...our likes and etc, etc...Of we were talking I was actually thinking...gosh...u’r such a good looking young chap... :P the shades were a great cover up...and so it wasn’t too obvious that I was looking at him...hehehe [wink!!]

An hour really would seem like 10 minutes when you are having a good time...and the next thing I realised...we were only 5 minutes away from our destination...haizzz...

Just as I was enjoying our last moments of conversation...

I HAD THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE!!!! LIKE LITERALLY!!! you wouldn’t believe what caught my attention...I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT MYSELF !!! I WAS IN COMPLETE DISBELIEF!!! REALLY!!!


I eyes were WIDE OPEN when I saw him do that...once AGAIN !!! my shades were a great cover up :P

The only thing that I wanted to do at that moment was to GET OFF THE TRAIN before my face betrayed me...I have this ability of showing pretty good facial expressions you would know EXACTLY what I’m thinking about by my facial expression... :) and the last thing I wanted him to see was my DISGUSTED LOOK !!!

Gosh...just the thought of it now just makes me feel I HAVEN’T even told you the WORST PART!!

WE FINALLY REACHED OUR DESTINATION and we got out...I think I was practically running towards the exit... :p so anyway...we reached the gate and I was thinking to myself...ok...we’ll say bye and go our separate ways...but I guess I missed out one part...

Just as we passed the gate...he said BYE and then he held out HIS HAND for a HANDSHAKE!!!

The SAME HAND THAT HE USED TO PICK HIS NOSE!!! EEEEEEWWWW...I PANICKED!!! LIKE BIG TIME!!! I mean...I couldn’t just walk away because it would be soooo rude and at the same time THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS GOING TO SHAKE HIS HAND!!! NO WAY!!!

And then...I just did the only thing that came to my mind...I put my hands together and said bye the INDIAN WAY!!! Hahaha...god bless my ROOTS!!!:P

Before he could say anything...I said bye and left...hahaha...I'm sure he didn't see that comin...I know I didn't :p

As I'm writing about my experience...I’m thinking to myself...WHERE THE HELL DID I GET THAT FROM??!! times I amaze myself with such brilliant ideas :p
but then again...I have to Indian roots were of great help that day :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well its been awhile since I updated this page...guess I gota start writing again...hehehe
Anyway...if have something that I wana share with you guyz...this happened to me not long was last week to be exact :0)
I was having a class in the afternoon that day...and so I and my best friend were walking to college from the train station...its usually a boring walk but little did I know that it wasn’t going to be like any other day... :p
As we were walking...we passed by this elderly European couple (easily in their 60’s I would say)...I didn’t intend to eavesdrop but I just happen to hear their conversation...they were finding their way to the monorail which happens to be in the same row of my college...
Without much thinking...I just turned behind and asked them if they would like me to show them the way...since the lady was pointing at a completely different be honest...I have no idea why I actually did that ??!! It was just a strong instinct I guess...hehehe :p
So anyway...the man immediately agreed and we walked together...I have to say...He is a very friendly person...the lady on the other hand was rather the short period of time...I found out that they are from the north of England...they are here for a vacation and they have a daughter doing law as well in UK...and...Hmm....I think thats bout it...hehehe...and of course...I told him about myself...It was an interesting conversation... :) [But I forgot to get his name...I wonder how I missed that part out...hehehe :p ] but then again...maybe its cause I’m so used to talking to strangers in the train that I didn’t have problems talking to this guy... (Ok...lets leave that part aside...hehehe)
We finally reached this road that we’ll have to cross...unfortunately the traffic light wasn’t working that day and the inconsiderate drivers only made it difficult for the pedestrians...somehow, the four of us managed to cross the first road...but it was a little more difficult when it came to the second road...
We were actually stuck in the middle of two busy roads for quite some time until my best friend just took her chances and ran to the other side...lucky her...but the three of us were still stuck this side... :s looking at her I decided to cross as well...
This is when I had the shock of my LIFE!!!!
Given that situation...I would expect any guy to be a little more considerate....I mean...hear you are...In a foreign country...with your wife...and the road is crazy...what should the guy do??!! well there is nothing much that can be done...but the least that he could do would be to hold her hand and help her cross the road...thats like the most natural thing to do...little did I know...I was soooo wrong !!!
Instead of holding his wife’s hand this man held MY HAND and crossed the road leaving his poor wife at the other side...hahaha...I didn’t even realise it until I actually reached this side...I was speechless for the first time in MY the 3 of us were this side while his wife was still in the middle of two crazy roads...
This is ANOTHER shocking part...
Knowing that his wife didn’t cross the road...and its already bad that he didn’t help her....he could have gone back and helped her right??!! But NO...this man was just telling his wife to cross the road from this much for a GENTLEMAN!!! AND the best part of the whole scenario is...he DIDN’T EVEN REALISE THAT HIS WIFE IF STILL ON THE OTHER SIDE UNTILL I TOLD HIM!!!! :D
Gosh...anyway....FINALLY the lady managed to cross over with the help of her ever so ‘caring’ husband...I knew that this guy was gona be brushed left and right, up and down, in and out by his pissed off wife...hahaha...and so I left the scene ASAP !!! The two of them thanked me and headed to the monorail...he wouldn’t have had a wonderful journey after that for sure...hehehe [wink!!] :P
So anyway...I and my best friend headed to college that day laughing our heads out about the whole incident...
I guess this is what YEARS OF MARRIAGE DOES TO A PERSON :p !!!